
Touche f4 excel - Forum - Excel Touche F4 et F9 EXCEL MAC - Forum - MacOS Touche f4 excel ne fonctionne plus - Forum - Bureautique. A clear list of over 200 Excel shortcuts for both Windows and Mac, side-by-side. Windows shortcuts in dark gray on the left, Mac shortcuts in white on the right.

Written in Excel terms, it “toggles absolute and relative references”. If you can’t get it to work, here’s why: 1: You are using a MAC. The F4 shortcut to lock a reference only works on Windows. If you’re running MAC, use the shortcut: ⌘ + T to toggle absolute and relative references.



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F4 For Mac Excel Spreadsheet

The F4 keyboard shortcut does not work as expected in Microsoft Excel 2013, Excel 2010, or Excel 2007.

For example, when you sort a row (row A), and then you press F4 to repeat the action on another row (row B), row B is not sorted. Or, when you copy and paste a cell, and then you press F4, the cell is pasted. However, when you press F4 again, the cell is not pasted.

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This is a known issue in Excel 2013, Excel 2010, and Excel 2007.

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Macbook Excel F4


If you cannot use the F4 keyboard shortcut to repeat a command or action, manually perform the command or action that you want to repeat.

F4 For Mac Excel Download

More Information

F4 For Mac Excel File

F4 is a predefined keyboard shortcut in Excel that repeats your last command or action. However, the shortcut does not always work.